The Hobbyholic

I can quit any time.

Nesting October 29, 2012

Filed under: Pregnancy — thehobbyholic @ 12:16 am

And so it has begun. The nesting. I started wondering if all the baking and cooking could be considered nesting. All this new found energy in my 3rd trimester really had me wondering, but I credited the cooler weather. Then today happened.


Made lunch. Cleaned the kitchen – complete with sweeping and mopping. Mostly cleaned off the dinning room table. Three loads of laundry and cleaned Cupcake’s room. Rested for a bit and then… I started working on the office/sewing room/catch all room. Made a path to the closet. Cleaned off my cutting table. Organized part of the closet. Started measuring furniture and prospective places, trying to figure out where it would all move to around the house. Then I realized I couldn’t get much further on that room, so I cleaned off the front office desk so husband would have a place to call his own. I was pitching empty boxes here, throwing away piles of papers there. Plotting and planning my next move. I even picked paint colors today.


If today was a book it would be similar to “If you give a mouse a cookie” but titled “If you tell a pregnant mom she is due soon”.


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