The Hobbyholic

I can quit any time.

Hiatus October 16, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — thehobbyholic @ 4:49 pm

You might say I’ve been on hiatus for a while. Apparently having my second child has made me busier than I anticipated. But somehow over the last 9 mo I have figured out how to get two kids, dressed, fed, out of the house and be somewhere by 9am. It is no small feat and definitely easier when my husband is home to help. It isn’t something I thought could actually happen before the youngest was at least two. 

I haven’t been baking as much this year. It looks as though my youngest can’t handle gluten. And well gluten is the wind in this baker’s sail. It has been a hard adjustment to say the least. Now that it is fall and the weather is starting to cool the baking urge is getting stronger. I can’t deny it! After making a few things this past week I’m realizing how much I enjoy it and have missed it. So, stay tuned. 


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